Stewart Stewart and I (Dena Stewart) recently had an opportunity to talk with David Wallack, owner of Mango’s Tropical Café on Ocean Drive, South Beach. Mango’s had recently re-opened after closing its doors during the COVID pandemic and the energy in the club was loud even before the crowds of happy patrons rushed through the doors.
Having lived on South Beach since January of 1987, Stewart and I remembered the Eastern Sun in the space Mango’s now occupies – also owned and operated by David Wallack. The Eastern Sun was the first holistic luxury Adult Congregate Living Facility (ACLF). We remember marveling at the senior citizens sitting out on Ocean Drive, enjoying the fresh ocean air and the company of one another. Sometimes there was a local band playing and the seniors would dance to the music. At that time, South Beach was old. But beautiful.

The developers recognized the value of the Art Deco architecture, bought and renovated the properties, and in a few years, South Beach became SOUTH BEACH. It was time for the Eastern Sun to be reinvented – Mango’s Tropical Café was conceived. And its reputation as the perfect place to party, with high octane Latin music, dancing, drinking, and international cuisine, made it the go-to destination for a guaranteed good time.

And now a Shameless Plug …