We interrupt our regular programming to present a special episode (56) of Alive on South Beach … THE MIAMI BEACH 100TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION, marked by 100 hours of festivities that culminated with a spectacular superstar Concert on the beach with fireworks as its finale.
I needed a real vacation. I had not slept in a strange bed in…
For the past 25 or so years, I have had a studio on South…
Bob Seger, The Silver Bullet Band, Bayside Marketplace Miami, are all part of this whimsical story.
Center for Folk and Community Art (CFCA) is grateful to our loyal sponsors who enable us to facilitate our nationally recognized Telling Stories Through Visuals art outreach projects.
For the past 25 or so years, I have had a studio on…
Episode 57 of Alive on South Beach opens with a shout out from Comedian Howie Mandel. Followed by a talk with Artist HUONG about her PEACE MURAL; Then some Food events, a conversation with best-selling Author Myra MacPherson at the Miami Book Fair International, a meeting with the Director of “The Pilgrim” based on the book by Paulo Coelho at the MDC-MIFF, then some comic relief at Convivencia Comedy Night. We end with a shout out from sexy Actor/Singer Terrell Carter.
More than 10% of high school students who are in a dating relationship experience…
Barney Rosenzweig, Emmy-Award winning Television Producer, talks about his very busy life during retirement, growing older with dignity, the end of Gilbert & Sullivan Opera since the Doyly Carte Opera Company let their copyright lapse, and the latest activities of his very talented Emmy-Award winning wife, actress Sharon Gless.
As 2014 ends with holiday celebrations and festivities, Episode 54 of Alive on South Beach enters the New Year with more exciting activities, behind-the-scene peeks at social events, and talks with fascinating people.