The original name of this project was “BULLYING – from the perspective of the Bully, the Victim, and the Watcher.” The workshops were facilitated in 2015-2016. Shortly after we uploaded the video, YouTube removed it. Now, however, the subject is important. So we re-edited the video and changed the name. The message remains the same – LET’S BE NICE!!!
Many believe the root cause of Bully-behavior is displaced anger and the root cause of being a Victim is low self-esteem. Actually, a bully in one situation may be the victim in another, and vice-versa. Then, there are the Watchers who have their own root cause!
The stories and pictures created by participants in this Telling Stories Through Visuals writing & art-making project give us a look into Bullying dynamics from different perspectives. In order to find solutions to problems it is important to ask the right questions. Before we know the right questions, it is vital to understand why people act and react the way they do in certain situations. Participants in this anti-Bullying project have that information.

Bullying behavior has become not only acceptable, but the norm. Regardless, when you are the victim of bullying, whether it be physical, verbal, or online (cyber-bullying), it hurts. In most cases, victims have permanent scars. If they get away with it, bullies remain bullies. And watchers hope they won’t be the next victim.
While we know that bullying behavior runs rampant throughout the school years, worse is that more than 35% of adults are bullied – in their workplace, by family members, as well as in their intimate relationships. And consumers have been bullied by faceless service administrators, government bureaucrats, and other figures in a position of authority.

Recognizing the tremendous toll bullying behavior takes on every level of society, this Center for Folk and Community Art “Telling Stories Through Visuals” writing & art-making project, explores the bully-victim-watcher dynamic, and the personalities of each.
[According to the National Center for Education, 20% of high school students are bullied each school year. In one month, nearly 6% of high school students stayed home because they felt unsafe at or on their way to school. More than 7% reported being threatened or injured with a weapon on school property. 6% admitted to bringing a weapon to school for protection. 46% of students reported that the bullying occurred in the hallway or stairwell at school. 33% reported being bullied inside the classroom, 22% reported being bullied outside on school grounds. 11% reported being bullied in the bathroom or locker room, 9% reported being bullied in the cafeteria, 7% reported being bullied on the school bus, and 2% reported being bullied somewhere else in school. At least 50% of teens have been bullied online. About 10% to 20% of those teens are bullied on a regular basis. 34% of those who participated in cyber-bullying did so both as a victim and a bully. About 53% of teens have said something that was mean or hurtful to someone else while online. 81% of teens think it is easier to pull off bullying online and avoid the consequences.]

STEWART STEWART | [email protected] | 786-269-6392
DENA STEWART | [email protected] | 786 269-3606
Rogero Law – David M. Rogero, P.A. –
Sentry Self Storage –
Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau –
Needak Rebounders –
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Julie Glasgow, CPA – [email protected]
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