The Miami Beach Convention Center, now a renovated state-of-the-art facility, attracts all kinds of Conferences, Expos, large Industrial Trade shows, and Art Exhibitions. As Miami Beach locals, focused on doing our Alive on South Beach®™ videos, Stewart and I (Dena) attend those that sound interesting. If it’s an annual event, we try to go every year.
We attended the eMerge Americas Conference for the first time in 2019. Our hope was to learn about the tech industry. Even better, we discovered a world of innovative start-ups.
In 2019, one inventor introduced eyeglasses with a radio built into the frame. The drawback was that the eyewear was too heavy for comfort. This year, 2023, Harrison Gross, founder and CEO of Lucyd Innovative Eyewear was back with eyeglass frames that are both functional, flattering, and lightweight. With an App connected to a cellphone, the radio signal comes in clearly even when the phone is in another room.

As we roamed the exhibition floor, we came across Nathan Steinman who was promoting his invention Life Tote. Imagine, a tote bag that can be turned into a bulletproof vest in under five seconds! Alas, the world as we now know it!
Although not a “tech” business per se, we spoke to Maritza Sanchez Schubert, co-founder of This new company has an App so that people of all genders and sizes are able to swap clothes.
Of course, there were speakers talking about their experiences with blockchain, bitcoin, and other cryptocurrencies. AI (Artificial Intelligence) was a hot topic. And yes, there were famous Presenters. This year, Tom Brady was the headliner.

And not to be forgotten, and probably most important, were the students who attended eMerge Americas to learn about the technology that will shape their future.

So thank you eMerge Americas for helping to transform Miami into the Tech Hub of the Americas.