Art From the Heart – An American Tapestry
Like everyone in America, we were traumatized by the horrendous terrorist attacks that happened on September 11, 2001. So we did a project to help alleviate some of our shared fears, sadness and anger.
They say, “The eyes are the windows of our soul” and the twin
towers were the “Eyes of the City.” I never experienced war. Maybe we all forgot what our ancestors died for: OUR FREEDOM.
We went to New York and did a “Telling Stories Through Visuals” writing & drawing workshop with teenagers who attended a school near ground zero. We worked with construction workers and electricians who were at the World Trade Center when it was hit – men who lost co-workers. We also involved community members who watched from their windows when the planes crashed into the Twin Towers.
After that day, I was scared to do anything. We have to show ID to go into big buildings or the library. Every time I go into the subway I feel scared because there might be a terrorist who would attack the train or put a bomb somewhere in the subway.
In Miami, we did several workshops with youngsters who attended a Hebrew School and a Mosque School.
I was born in Miami. My parents are from Lebanon. We are Muslim. We are NOT terrorists. I love America and feel bad about the attacks.
On the first anniversary of 9/11, we exhibited several of the Tapestry panels in the windows of the Donnell Library (New York Public Library) located directly across from the Museum of Modern Art.
Twenty-three years later, we are still fighting the war on terrorism.
Art from the Heart – An American Tapestry is a Center for Folk and Community Art “Telling Stories Through Visuals” writing and art-making project led by Artists Dena Stewart and Stewart Stewart