Alive on South Beach, Episode 64 – with some amazing, amusing and awesome people.
In this Episode …
We went to Art Basel|Miami Beach 2016
. We have attended this phenomenal Art Exposition every year for the past 15 years, and we’ve watched this International Art Market grow, with satellite shows sprouting up on the Beach and in Miami, along with casual block parties, VIP celebrity-studded galas, and private industry events.
Among the standout events is the annual Saturday Brunch at the Sagamore Hotel where some locals described what they enjoyed most about this week-long fest of cocktails, food, music and ART.
Overwhelming and exhausting, but oh so much fun.
At BRIT WEEK (another annual event), Stewart got a lesson in speaking British.
Also included is a brief segment of a longer conversation with Jazz Stylist Nicole Henry. The entire conversation is available on CONVERSATIONS.
And a brief segment of a longer conversation with Julie Brown and Jerry Brown, authors of The Psychedelic Gospels. Entire conversation is also available on CONVERSATIONS.
At the Miami Book Fair we spoke with a celebrity Bodyguard. Without revealing the name of the celebrity (although I have my suspicion
) Nick Spill, P.I. related one of his most outrageous experiences … and summed it up succinctly!
We went to too many fantastic events to include in this Episode, however certainly worthy of mention are:
The KIWI Arts Group pop up gallery on Lincoln Road that featured newly released images by award-winning photographer William John Kennedy, including Kennedy’s historic collection of Andy Warhol photographs.
And the Mazda “CAR AS ART” party where we learned that Mazda cars are designed to evoke emotion – testosterone-driven elation.
With the conclusion of 2016, we look forward to and wish everyone a HAPPY, HEALTHY, PEACEFUL AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. Dena Stewart & Stewart Stewart