For more than 25 years, Center for Folk & Community Art (“CFCA”) has had an ongoing relationship with Miami-Dade County Public Schools to do our Telling Stories Through Visuals writing and art-making projects.
And, as a component of CFCA’s outreach mission for the past eleven years, CFCA artists have produced an online video show called Alive on South Beach®™.
Then came the Covid-19 pandemic and in-person activities were brought to an abrupt end.
So, we produced a video that combines both activities, starting with brief conversations at the NATPE Convention (National Association of Television Production Executives).

Followed by the project we had completed shortly before COVID lockdown and school closure. With groups of teenagers, we addressed “civility…and the lack of it”.

We then had a conversation about civility with Barney Rosenzweig, Emmy Award winning producer of the hit series “Cagney & Lacey”. As a writer, and the producer of the long-running police drama about two female officers in New York City, Barney’s astute perception about relationship dynamics, and his love of theater and history, gave his take on “civility…and the lack of it” an intuitive and on-target spin.

Emmy Award Winning Producer and Author of
“Cagney & Lacey … and Me”
Of course, we look forward to when the Covid-19 pandemic is fully under control, we are healed from our losses, when there is new normalcy in our lives, and we can return to doing what we love, in person.

Our transition was made possible thanks to: The support of the Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs and the Cultural Affairs Council, the Miami-Dade County Mayor and Board of County Commissioners. @MiamiDadeArts #MiamiDadeArts

Music by Stephan Mikes, sole owner of all copyrights, both mechanical and SR, “Licensed” to Stewart Stewart and Dena Stewart, Center for Folk and Community Art, for use in their videos and for “Alive on South Beach®™”. The PRO for all works is BMI.
Music by John McEuen, (Moonlight Dancing) “Licensed” to SyndicatedNews.NET & TV in the US and 联合新闻.NET in Asia, and for use by “Alive on South Beach”®™ by “Video Wizards Music” and “Colorado Music.” By Owner/Administrator Video Wizards Music/BMI; Colorado Music / ASCAP.
“Words” or a portion thereof, is used with permission by Warning Music/BMI (c) Gail Sherman Johnson