Stewart and I love the Miami Dade College – MIAMI FILM FESTIVAL. This year, the 35th anniversary of the Festival, with more than 100 foreign films featured, it was tough picking the ones to see. These are some of the standouts.

LIFE IS A BITCH – Lonely, frustrated, and unable to do anything that gives meaning to their lives, Vladimir, Clivia, Regina and Primo come up with a farcical plan: they decide to kidnap a millionaire although they have no experience with crime or any clue as to what an operation of this magnitude entails. As they go forward, their fears and ambitions are revealed. Cute and worthwhile viewing, especially because it is streamed online in its entirely and can be viewed at your convenience.
So, thank you, once again, Miami Dade College – MIAMI FILM FESTIVAL selection committee, event producers, promoters and energetic volunteers, for bringing to us high quality, thought-provoking, foreign films that in many cases are not shown in local commercial movie theaters. We look forward to the 2019 36th annual MDC – Miami Film Festival.