Maya K. van Rossum – known as the Delaware Riverkeeper, is an attorney (licensed in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and the District of Columbia), as well as an environmental activist – constitutionalist – and community organizer with a primary focus: To save the environment by creating and using the legal system. To do so, Maya founded an organization called Green Amendments for the Generations. Along with other activists, Maya has worked to create laws that protect our plants and animals with the same respect we apply to property and civil laws. In 2021, the first modern day Green Amendment in New York State was passed.
In her book “The GREEN Amendment”, Maya explains how our current governmental laws have failed most Americans, except for the very rich, by allowing big Industry to pollute our water and food. The book talks about the intersection of environmentalism and antiracism. It explains why fracking for fossil fuel is so damaging, and it lays the groundwork for an inspirational new agenda promoting environmental constitutionalism — one that will finally empower people to take action.

1 comment
Very informative. Didn’t know rich industrialists had this much power. Also, it seems a crime that paying off the government gives them the power to allow all these toxins from the production of their products to be strewn into the environment. It Just takes an application to ask how much of their waste can be eliminated this way. Seems easy for them. It’s an atrocity that they are asking at all! It’s like inquiring, “How many people and wildlife are we allowed to poison under the law and to what extent?”
Thanks for the great interviews. They are always so interesting and enlightening.
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